Happy First Birthday to Experiential Billionaire

Happy first birthday to my book! One of the hardest things Joe Huff and I have ever done. But one of the most fulfilling. And the ripple effect of those who it has touched and shared their stories with us is worth it 100x over — the readers who shared they reconnected with their father after years of being estranged, took their kids on cross country roadtrips before they graduated high school, forgave those who had wronged them, started charities, got in shape, and started living actively rather than passively. Grateful! So if you’re wondering if you should do the hard thing, but making excuses not to like “I’ll do it when I’m promoted, when the kids are older, when I retire, when ‘x’ happens”, stop. Do the hard thing, and start now. You never know who it can change. At the very least it will change you.Thank you to every person who has reviewed the book, shared it online, bought it for a friend, had us on your podcasts, etc etc!!! It’s just the beginning.