On a Living Spree

The Art of Active Listening: How to Support Your Employees' Growth and Well-being

Active listening is more than just hearing the words someone is saying. It's about fully focusing on the person in front of you, setting aside your own agenda and preconceptions, and seeking to understand their perspective. It's about asking open-ended questions, reflecting back what you've heard, and creating a safe space for authentic communication.

When leaders practice active listening, they send a powerful message to their employees: your thoughts, feelings, and experiences matter. They build trust, rapport, and a sense of psychological safety that allows people to bring their full selves to work. They also gain valuable insights into their team members' strengths, challenges, and aspirations, which can inform coaching, development, and career growth opportunities.

But active listening isn't always easy, especially in a world of constant distractions and competing priorities. It requires a conscious effort to slow down, be present, and give your undivided attention to the person in front of you. It means resisting the urge to jump in with advice or solutions, and instead allowing space for the other person to process their own thoughts and feelings.

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The Power of Purpose: How Clarifying Your "Why" Can Transform Your Work and Life

Have you ever found yourself going through the motions at work, feeling disconnected from the bigger picture and wondering what it's all for? If so, you're not alone. In today's fast-paced, always-on work culture, it's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks and lose sight of the deeper purpose behind what we do.

But here's the thing: having a clear sense of purpose is essential not just for our personal fulfillment and well-being, but for our effectiveness and impact as leaders and team members. When we're connected to a larger mission and vision, we're more motivated, resilient, and inspired to bring our best selves to work every day.

So, how can we clarify our sense of purpose and use it to guide our actions and decisions? One powerful exercise is to create a personal purpose statement. This is a short, concise statement that captures the essence of what drives us, what we stand for, and what impact we want to have in the world.

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The Missing Ingredient in Employee Engagement: Fostering a Sense of Belonging

Employee engagement has become a hot topic in recent years, with countless studies and surveys highlighting the link between engaged employees and better business outcomes. But despite all the attention and investment in engagement initiatives, many organizations still struggle to move the needle. Why?

One often-overlooked factor is the role of belonging in driving engagement and performance. A sense of belonging – feeling accepted, valued, and included in a group – is a fundamental human need. When we feel like we truly belong at work, we're more likely to be motivated, committed, and willing to go above and beyond for our team and organization.

But fostering a sense of belonging is easier said than done, especially in today's diverse and often remote or hybrid work environments. It requires a conscious and ongoing effort to create a culture of inclusion, trust, and psychological safety, where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued for who they are.

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The Power of Play: Why Fun Should Be a Priority in the Workplace

When was the last time you had fun at work? I mean, really had fun – the kind of joyful, carefree, lose-track-of-time fun that we associate with childhood? If you're like most adults, it's probably been a while.

Somewhere along the way, we bought into the idea that work and play are mutually exclusive. That fun is a frivolous distraction from the serious business of getting things done. But what if I told you that incorporating more play into your workday could actually make you more productive, creative, and resilient?

Studies have shown that play is essential for our cognitive, emotional, and social well-being. When we engage in activities that are intrinsically enjoyable and challenge us to think in new ways, we stimulate our brains, reduce stress, and boost our problem-solving abilities. We also forge stronger connections with those around us, as laughter and shared experiences break down barriers and foster a sense of belonging.

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Invest in Your Employees Dreams, Watch Your Business Grow - Get Our New FREE Toolkit Now!

Invest in Your Employees Dreams, Watch Your Business Grow.

We created this book to provide tools for everyone from small business owners to CEO’s of global brands to create a workplace where everyone feels valued, supported, and inspired to be their best selves, both personally and professionally – which directly impacts the bottom line.

In our research for the book Experiential Billionaire: Build a Life Rich in Experiences and Die With No Regrets, we asked 20,000 people about the most valuable things in their lives. The majority of participants cited their dreams, goals and experiences as the most important. This illustrates the deep-rooted human desire for purpose and fulfillment, which can often be found in the pursuit of our dreams. On the flip side, the study also revealed that the number one regret people have at the end of their lives is not following their dreams. This highlights the importance of dream pursuit for well-being and overall life satisfaction.

In the context of the workplace, supporting your employees' dreams can have a profound impact. It can drive engagement, productivity, and loyalty, while also enhancing the organization's reputation and its ability to attract top talent. Helping employees follow their dreams is not just a feel-good initiative, but a strategic imperative for any organization that wants to thrive in today's fast-paced, ever-changing world of remote work, AI, and a multi-generational workforce.


By recognizing the importance of dreams, providing the resources and support employees need to pursue them, and creating a culture that celebrates progress and achievement, leaders can unlock the full potential of their people and their organizations.

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Rethinking Corporate Gifting: The Case for Experiential Rewards

Let's be honest: most corporate gifts end up collecting dust on a shelf or getting lost in the back of a desk drawer. While the intention behind these gifts is admirable, the execution often falls flat. After all, how many branded pens or generic gift cards can one person really use?

But what if we approached corporate gifting not as a box to check, but as an opportunity to support our employees' growth and development? What if, instead of giving more stuff, we gave experiences that aligned with our team members' personal goals and aspirations?

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FREE 82 Page Toolkit Now Available

Invest in Your Employees Dreams, Watch Your Business Grow.

We created this book to provide tools for everyone from small business owners to CEO’s of global brands to create a workplace where everyone feels valued, supported, and inspired to be their best selves, both personally and professionally – which directly impacts the bottom line.

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New Interview: Authors @ Drucker School of Management
Bridget Hilton and Joe Huff are business partners and keynote speakers who help individuals enrich their lives and careers with fulfilling experiences. They share their insights about topics such as mental health, workplace belonging, wellness, motivation, and burnout at Fortune 500 companies, conferences, and communities. Bridget is also the founder of LSTN Sound Co., the first social good electronics company, which has funded hearing aids for over 50,000 people through worldwide sales of headphones and speakers. She was recognized by Forbes and Inc Magazine's 30 Under 30, Entrepreneur's 15 Women to Watch, and NAWBO's Rising Star. Joe has over 30 years of experience as an entrepreneur, founder, and owner. He has helped thousands of individuals around the world though his philanthropic work, created numerous 8-figure businesses, and has had many successful exits.
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How Richard Branson got me to think differently about fear
I stood side stage at the Ace Hotel’s theater in downtown Los Angeles. Peering out, I saw hundreds of reporters and attendees staring up at a man who had made billions disrupting the music and airline industries, bought tropical islands, crossed both the Pacific and Atlantic oceans in a hot air balloon, gone to outer space, founded over 100 companies, and generously gave back while doing all of that. A rebel who rose to the top without a fancy degree or inheritance, just big dreams and the gumption to go after them. Someone who I aspired to be.
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New Article for Washington Speakers Bureau
How to Build a Life Rich in Experiences – and Why This is Crucial For Your Company Culture 13 March, 2024 · Bridget Hilton Bridget Hilton, author of Experiential Billionaire: Build a Life Rich in Experiences and Die With No Regrets, and founder of...
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How to Arrest Time Thieves

Time is truly our most valuable natural resource… but we don’t treat it that way. In fact, people tend to be pretty oblivious about where their time goes and why. That’s how they end up “busy” from dawn to dusk and yet somehow not doing anything they actually want to do. When we (mistakenly) act as if there will always be more time, we never get around to achieving our dreams and goals.

“Time” is a paradox. Something that parents of young children say all the time is that “the years are short, but the days are long.” And that’s how life actually is. 

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How to Let Your Vision Evolve Over Time

This was all possible because I had allowed my dreams to evolve and grow over time.

Like mine, your vision is not set in stone. It will change as you get older, discover new things, and meet new people—and that’s okay. You may find that after years or even decades pursuing the same thing, you’ve gotten everything out of it that you can, or it turned out to be different from what you expected, or it just doesn’t excite you the way it once did.

Stay attuned to those feelings. As risky as it may feel to change course, the greater risk is staying in a career, business, or relationship even when it no longer feels right. Sadly, people do this all the time. They get trapped by golden handcuffs, trading years of misery for shiny benefits they may or may not live to enjoy. Or they look back at all the time and effort they’ve invested in their path and can’t bear to see it go to “waste.” Or they feel overwhelmed by the challenge of starting something new.

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Interview: City Current - Bridget and Joe discuss lessons from book, Experiential Billionaire, and power of urgency
During the interview, Joe and Bridget discuss some of those experiences and how they shaped their deeper exploration around the importance of shifting people's mindset from living "someday" to living today. They talk about their book and speaking, and both share valuable tips to renew a sense of urgency to achieve personal and professional goals and investing in the power of experiences. 
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Why you need a best friend at work

Why is friendship crucial for your company and its culture?

Connection through rich experiences and shared goals is the way to attract, retain and nurture talent. Shared experiences cultivate a culture of community, belonging and wellbeing at work. Gallup states their #1 predictor of success at work is having a best friend at work.

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Interview: Win Monday Podcast with Paul Epstein - Embracing the Essence of Wealth: The Power of Experiences

Ever find yourself questioning the true essence of wealth? It's a sentiment many of us share. In a world that often equates prosperity with the thickness of our wallets, let's take a moment to ponder a simple yet profound truth: wealth isn't just about money; it's about the richness of our experiences.

In today’s episode of the Win Monday podcast, we are delighted to introduce two extraordinary individuals, Bridget Hilton and Joe Huff, authors of the book Experiential Billionaire. They have lived a life filled with diverse and adventurous experiences, from training as samurais to dancing with the northern lights, and even standing face-to-face with hungry lions on safari. Today, we delve into their journeys and the lessons they've learned along the way.

In our conversation, Bridget and Joe share their journeys of self-discovery, the importance of experiences over material wealth, and their shift in perspective on life after facing personal challenges. They also provide practical advice on how to start living a life focused on experiences, emphasizing the importance of taking small steps toward achieving one's dreams and goals. They conclude by encouraging listeners to become experiential billionaires by embracing a life filled with meaningful experiences.

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Interview: Mind Love (#1 Mental Health Podcast)

When’s the last time you did something just for the sheer fun of it?

I’m not talking about big vacations or meticulously planned outings. I mean those little, impromptu acts of joy. Like diving into a pile of leaves, fully knowing you’ll have to rake them up again. Or maybe having a random dance-off in your living room, or deciding to cook a fancy dinner on a Tuesday night, just for kicks.

Or maybe it is it is about those bigger dreams – like finally taking that trip you’ve always talked about, riding in a hot air balloon, or learning to snowboard, regardless of your age.

These moments, big or small, are what make life vibrant. They remind us that joy isn’t just in grand gestures or milestones. Often, it’s the spontaneous, simple things that leave a lasting impression.

So that’s what we’re talking about today.

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Connect the Dots: If you knew it was your last day, what would you do?
At every talk, Joe Huff and I ask people what they would do if they had a year, a month, or a day left to live. At a recent keynote for Connect the Dots, this epic 74 year old adventurer (who just got back from hanging out with elephants in Thailand) tearfully told us that she'd spend her last day truly forgiving herself. But that she'd spend the rest of TODAY doing that now.
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Bridget Hilton Joe Huff Optimize Yourself Keynote Speakers Experiential Billionaire

Bridget and Joe surveyed over 20,000 people from all walks of life and the result is eye opening. People’s regrets are very similar no matter their age and income status and in our conversation, we talk about why people often put things that matter in the fictional world of ‘someday.’ But more importantly, we talk about the exercises described in their book that can help you have that sense of urgency to start doing the things you love.

If you have a bucket list that you’ve stowed away in that fictional world of ‘someday’ because you think you don’t have the time or resources to do them or they’re simply too big to make them happen, this episode is for you. Our conversation will walk you through the actions you can take to start building a life rich in experiences with no regrets.

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Bridget Hilton | Keynote Speaker | Burnout Mental Health Motivation Workplace Belonging | Author Experiential Billionaire
In this thought-provoking episode, we delve into the concept of experiential wealth and living purposefully, challenging the conventional definition of wealth. Bridget Hilton and I navigate through discussions about complacency in finance and relationships, we explore how discomfort can be a catalyst towards achieving our goals. We touch on practical ways to challenge comfort zones and the importance of shared experiences in nurturing relationships. In this episode, Bridget seeks to inspire you to redefine your perception of wealth, live purposefully, and create meaningful memories through simple experiences.
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