Interview: Wellness Your Way - Becoming an Experiential Billionaire

This episode covers:
In this episode, we discuss why it’s important to invest in daily experiences, how to take back your time and experience more in life, how increasing the urgency in your life can be beneficial, and so much more.
Bridget Hilton and Joe Huff are obsessed with experiences. Determined to unlock the secrets of their power to transform lives, they have spent years interviewing social science experts, conducting the largest study on life experiences ever done, and turning themselves into experiential guinea pigs. Together they have trained to be samurai, danced with the northern lights, tracked silverback gorillas in a hailstorm, stood face to face with hungry lions on safari, absorbed life lessons from Maasai Mara tribesmen, sped across glaciers on dogsleds, built schools for kids in need, studied with monks, helped give 50,000 people hearing, swum with sharks, worked with A-list celebrities, seen the seven wonders of the world, gave away millions of dollars for social good, spoke on stage with Sir Richard Branson, starred in commercials seen by tens of millions, and explored the experiential riches life has to offer.
Links mentioned during this episode:
Experiential Billionaire Book:
Experiential Billionaire Website:
Joe's Website:
Bridget's Website: