Joining UCLA to Help Distribute Opportunity
At the end of 2021 I listed out my goals for the new year, and one of them was “join a board for something I’m passionate about”. ✅ I’m excited to join the board of UCLA as Advisor to the Dean of Extension. Learning is my greatest passion in life, so this was an interesting choice for a few reasons. I never attended university, in fact I never really thought it was a possibility or was even a discussion growing up. I’ve had a chip on my shoulder because I never got that experience/network/etc. BUT certainly never let it stop me from learning, and ultimately it was the right path for me (not everyone is so lucky).
So, during the pandemic UCLA started a program called UCLAxOPEN that provides free classes to anyone in the world who wants to take them. I loved this immediately. I always have believed talent is evenly distributed, OPPORTUNITY is not. Free/low cost ACCESS to education/knowledge can truly change the world by giving people a more level playing field. A common saying I think about is "what if the cure for cancer is within someone who cannot afford education?" I believe we’re seeing just the very beginning of a shift in education on a major level and I’m excited to be a tiny tiny part of magnifying personal growth opportunities in LA and beyond through this historic organization. #knowledgeispower
About Bridget Hilton
Bridget Hilton creates tools to help teams and leaders connect in the workplace through rich experiences and shared goals. Her keynote helps Fortune 500 companies navigate topics of mental health and wellness, burnout, employee belonging and connection, inspiration, motivation, and goal setting. Her book Experiential Billionaire and card deck Treasure Maps is out now. She is located in Los Angeles, CA and is booking keynotes and workshops worldwide now.