On a Living Spree

✅ WRITE A BOOK. Two+ years (and two lifetimes) in the making.Experiential Billionaire: Build a Life Rich in Experiences and Die With No Regrets - Coming September 12, 2023.This is Joe Huff and I's love letter to life, death, and the experiences...
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Checking the PYRAMIDS off the list!
Cairo!!! Joe Huff and I check off a BIG one on our “someday” lists with an epic day at the pyramids. Climbing the tunnel up the great pyramid was my favorite part - I giggled the whole way up at how unexpected it was (and surprisingly unsafe aka fun for how big of a tourist spot this is 😂) LOVED TODAY!!! Worth every minute of travel, planning, money, etc for this experience I’ve been dreaming of for decades. Shoutout to my camel Charlie 🐫 and the best business partner/co-author/bff ever Joe Huff for meeting me halfway around the 🌍 to make a dream come true. Fun fact - the pyramids are the ONLY remaining ancient “world wonder”.
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What is workplace burnout anyway?

I hear the term more and more these days, but think sometimes it gets confused with normal work stress, so some managers might just brush it off as being not serious.

While stress is a normal part of work, burnout is a more severe and prolonged condition that can have serious implications for both the individual and the organization. Recognizing the signs of burnout and taking steps to address and prevent it is crucial for promoting employee well-being and maintaining a healthy work environment.

Burnout in the workplace is a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion that results from prolonged or chronic job-related stress. It typically occurs when employees feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet the demands of their job. Burnout is often characterized by a sense of disillusionment, reduced effectiveness, and a lack of motivation.

Characteristics of workplace burnout include:

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Checking off the Taj Mahal - a Dream Come True
Got the unbelievable dream of the TAJ MAHAL at sunrise for my birthday. The most breathtaking, mind boggling, perfectly made architecture in the world is beyond worth the trip, and its existence is far beyond my comprehension. Arrived at 5am for some time alone with this beauty and the gorgeous light through the morning. Grateful for my sweet guide who also took these 📸
6/7 World Wonders. ✔️🌏🇮🇳
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A Visit to Shangri-La
Foggy day dream come true. A visit to Rick Rubin’s legendary Shangri-La studios in Malibu, where some of the greatest artists of our time have recorded, The Last Waltz was filmed, and which property includes Bob Dylan’s 70’s tour bus...
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Happy 10 Years to LSTN
I am mostly proud of having been the ground all over the world giving 50,000+ people hearing for the first time - and how that has impacted their own futures, families and communities. What a gift this has been in my life.

Secondly I am proud of how no matter what, we have always had fun doing it. It has DEFINITELY not always been easy but it has been full of moments with the most hysterical laughter and joy I could’ve possibly imagined. Selling millions of products is cool, but enjoying the ride is FAR more important.
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Joining UCLA to Help Distribute Opportunity
At the end of 2021 I listed out my goals for the new year, and one of them was “join a board for something I’m passionate about”. ✅ I’m excited to join the board of UCLA as Advisor to the Dean of Extension. Learning is my greatest passion in life, so this was an interesting choice for a few reasons. I never attended university, in fact I never really thought it was a possibility or was even a discussion growing up. I’ve had a chip on my shoulder because I never got that experience/network/etc. BUT certainly never let it stop me from learning, and ultimately it was the right path for me (not everyone is so lucky).

So, during the pandemic UCLA started a program called UCLAxOPEN that provides free classes to anyone in the world who wants to take them. I loved this immediately. I always have believed talent is evenly distributed, OPPORTUNITY is not. Free/low cost ACCESS to education/knowledge can truly change the world by giving people a more level playing field. A common saying I think about is "what if the cure for cancer is within someone who cannot afford education?" I believe we’re seeing just the very beginning of a shift in education on a major level and I’m excited to be a tiny tiny part of magnifying personal growth opportunities in LA and beyond through this historic organization. #knowledgeispower
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Welcome to On a Living Spree. Glad you're here! I'm Bridget. I write and speak about the art, science, and path to building a life rich in experiences. 

The goal of this blog is to help you discover (or rediscover!) your goals and give you the tools to make them happen, whether it's through me directly or my company Experiential Billionaire. I appreciate you stopping by - much more to come soon.

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