On a Living Spree

Bridget Hilton | Mental Health, Workplace Belonging, Motivational, Goal Setting Keynote Speaker | Experiential Billionaire Author
It’s tempting to think life would be better if it always ran smoothly, right?

However, as much as you might wish that life was one fun and fulfilling experience after another:

Suffering and hard times teach us lessons that can’t be learned any other way.

But, to reap the benefits that come with hardship, you need to have the right mindset.

You must learn to reframe negative experiences into positive memories (or teachable moments).

This exercise helps you do that.
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Bridget Hilton | Mental Health, Workplace Belonging, Motivational, Goal Setting Keynote Speaker | Experiential Billionaire Author


When it comes to learning, Mahatma Gandhi put it best:

“Live as if you’ll die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever.”

In other words, cultivate a sense of urgency to pursue your desires and dreams now.

But—and this is important—don’t let that stop you from investing in your long-term growth.

When we’re young, we’re constantly learning.

Somewhere along the line, though, that growth starts to wane.

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Bridget Hilton | Mental Health, Workplace Belonging, Motivational, Goal Setting, Retention Keynote Speaker | Experiential Billionaire Author
We’re taught from birth to measure wealth in currency, but Joe Huff and Bridget Hilton have created one of the largest surveys on life experiences ever done. And their research shows that the number one regret of the dying isn’t about money, it’s about the experiences people wished they’d had – but never did. Bridget and Joe have written a book called Experiential Billionaire that includes tools to show you how to live a life with a mountain of experiences and few regrets. You will not regret listening to this episode.
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Bridget Hilton | Mental Health, Workplace Belonging, Motivational, Goal Setting Keynote Speaker | Experiential Billionaire Author
Thank you Georgian for having Joe and I on the Gratitude Podcast! Check it out here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/experiences-make-us-grateful-1-2-bridget-joe-ep-854/id1148411834?i=1000625924167 -- Bridget Hilton and Joe Huff are obsessed with experiences. Determined to unlock the secrets of their power to transform lives, they have spent...
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Bridget Hilton | Mental Health, Workplace Belonging, Motivational, Goal Setting, Retention, Burnout Keynote Speaker | Experiential Billionaire Author
We’re so excited that Experiential Billionaire will be released in ONE WEEK! 🥳Holding a physical copy of the book for the first time was such a surreal experience. It is by far the most personal work we’ve ever done -...
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Bridget Hilton | Mental Health, Workplace Belonging, Motivational, Goal Setting, Retention, Burnout Keynote Speaker | Experiential Billionaire Author
Join us for a free virtual class at UCLA x OPEN on October 10 at 12pm pst, where Joe and I will speak about the art, science and path to building a life rich in experiences. Q&A and follow up materials included.Link...
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Bridget Hilton | Mental Health, Workplace Belonging, Motivational, Goal Setting Keynote Speaker | Experiential Billionaire Author

Today is the National Park Services Birthday! One of my life goals is to go to ALL of them - so far, I'm at 27/63 (43%)! Who wants to come for the rest?

NPS was created on August 35, 1916 to "preserve unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the National Park System for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations".

It's one of my favorite things about this country. All entrance fees are waved today! Get outside :) 

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Bridget Hilton | Mental Health, Workplace Belonging, Motivational, Goal Setting Keynote Speaker | Experiential Billionaire Author
We’ve all heard the saying, “Live as if you’ll die tomorrow.”It’s great advice…up to a point.It’s true that any day could be your last.And you definitely shouldn’t put off your dreams until “someday.”However, if you literally live as if you’ll...
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Bridget Hilton | Mental Health, Workplace Belonging, Motivational, Goal Setting, Retention Keynote Speaker | Experiential Billionaire Author
Nobody lives forever.We know…it can be sobering to think about your eventual death, but it’s empowering, too.In fact, accepting this truth can be a turning point in your life.That’s because it can move you from putting off your dreams to...
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Halftime Goal Check In - 2023!
Writing down your goals and having deadlines is crucial. Not just for work but for your life. These are the things that matter. My purpose is to help others follow their dreams. Maybe that sounds cheesy but I think it’s the most important way I can contribute to the world right now. Hit me up if you need an accountability partner on anything you’re working towards, or if you don’t know what you want to work towards and need help finding or rediscovering your goals. 🙏⏳ Note to self: add “improve handwriting” to list.
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✅ WRITE A BOOK. Two+ years (and two lifetimes) in the making.Experiential Billionaire: Build a Life Rich in Experiences and Die With No Regrets - Coming September 12, 2023.This is Joe Huff and I's love letter to life, death, and the experiences...
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Bridget Hilton | Goal Setting Speaker
Cairo!!! Joe Huff and I check off a BIG one on our “someday” lists with an epic day at the pyramids. Climbing the tunnel up the great pyramid was my favorite part - I giggled the whole way up at how unexpected it was (and surprisingly unsafe aka fun for how big of a tourist spot this is 😂) LOVED TODAY!!! Worth every minute of travel, planning, money, etc for this experience I’ve been dreaming of for decades. Shoutout to my camel Charlie 🐫 and the best business partner/co-author/bff ever Joe Huff for meeting me halfway around the 🌍 to make a dream come true. Fun fact - the pyramids are the ONLY remaining ancient “world wonder”.
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Checking off the Taj Mahal - a Dream Come True
Got the unbelievable dream of the TAJ MAHAL at sunrise for my birthday. The most breathtaking, mind boggling, perfectly made architecture in the world is beyond worth the trip, and its existence is far beyond my comprehension. Arrived at 5am for some time alone with this beauty and the gorgeous light through the morning. Grateful for my sweet guide who also took these 📸
6/7 World Wonders. ✔️🌏🇮🇳
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Goodbye 2022 - End of Year Goal Update
You are the architect of your own inspiration. My accountability mirror reminds me of this daily with my 2022 goals. Lots of challenges this year. But looking at this paper for the last time as I write a new one, I’m proud of myself for going after big dreams + the smaller experiences that build daily to make a great life story. 2022 theme was creation through reflection. 2023 is growth through execution. Grateful for my life and the people in it every day. The last two words here are the most important ones. 🙏
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What I Learned From Traveling to All 50 States
According to research, half of all Americans see fewer than ten states in their lifetimes. I’ve never understood this; I still don’t. But I had a decent head start, growing up in the Midwest. Roadtrips as a kid let me see Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, Colorado. I then toured with bands as a teenager, when I first visited states like New York, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts. My first “real” music industry job was when I covered territory including Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky. When I moved to California I fell in love with the west coast and explored everywhere I could. I then decided to make this an actual goal after the 2016 election to form a deeper understanding of our country. When talking about this goal, people would be quick to state how many countries they’d visited, but not many people knew how many states they had been to, which I found to be interesting.
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Bridget Hilton
Foggy day dream come true. A visit to Rick Rubin’s legendary Shangri-La studios in Malibu, where some of the greatest artists of our time have recorded, The Last Waltz was filmed, and which property includes Bob Dylan’s 70’s tour bus...
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Happy 10 Years to LSTN
I am mostly proud of having been the ground all over the world giving 50,000+ people hearing for the first time - and how that has impacted their own futures, families and communities. What a gift this has been in my life.

Secondly I am proud of how no matter what, we have always had fun doing it. It has DEFINITELY not always been easy but it has been full of moments with the most hysterical laughter and joy I could’ve possibly imagined. Selling millions of products is cool, but enjoying the ride is FAR more important.
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Bridget Hilton | UCLA
At the end of 2021 I listed out my goals for the new year, and one of them was “join a board for something I’m passionate about”. ✅ I’m excited to join the board of UCLA as Advisor to the Dean of Extension. Learning is my greatest passion in life, so this was an interesting choice for a few reasons. I never attended university, in fact I never really thought it was a possibility or was even a discussion growing up. I’ve had a chip on my shoulder because I never got that experience/network/etc. BUT certainly never let it stop me from learning, and ultimately it was the right path for me (not everyone is so lucky).

So, during the pandemic UCLA started a program called UCLAxOPEN that provides free classes to anyone in the world who wants to take them. I loved this immediately. I always have believed talent is evenly distributed, OPPORTUNITY is not. Free/low cost ACCESS to education/knowledge can truly change the world by giving people a more level playing field. A common saying I think about is "what if the cure for cancer is within someone who cannot afford education?" I believe we’re seeing just the very beginning of a shift in education on a major level and I’m excited to be a tiny tiny part of magnifying personal growth opportunities in LA and beyond through this historic organization. #knowledgeispower
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Bridget Hilton | Mental Health, Workplace Belonging, Motivational, Goal Setting, Retention, Burnout Keynote Speaker | Experiential Billionaire Author

Welcome to On a Living Spree. Glad you're here! I'm Bridget. I write and speak about the art, science, and path to building a life rich in experiences. 

The goal of this blog is to help you discover (or rediscover!) your goals and give you the tools to make them happen, whether it's through me directly or my company Experiential Billionaire. I appreciate you stopping by - much more to come soon.

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